As a black male paired with my stature, I experience racial trauma daily. Racial trauma has subconsciously shaped my social norms across a variety of situations and taught me how to shrink to make others feel more comfortable and safer. I have realized that the more I embrace my own culture despite my level of education, my ability to code switch, friendly disposition, and bright smile I am still often viewed as a potential threat. Something as simple as driving, especially at night can be a highly anxiety inducing situation. Just the sight of any flashing lights (break lights, Christmas lights, blinking lights) or sounds of sirens (fire trucks, ambulance, police) causes a litany of physical and emotional responses. Thoughts of becoming another sensationalized news story, widowing my wife, leaving my daughters without a father or my mom having to bury her only son plague my mind and run rampant. Imagine a 15-minute drive to work with a 5-...
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